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COXA Summer Lunch 2024 : Full Details

COXA Summer Lunch 2024 : Full Details

Frank Barretta1 Jul - 11:30
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COXA Summer Lunch. a.k.a. The Chairman's Summer Luncheon Friday 12th July 2024 from 12 Noon, The Union Jack Club, Sandell St, London SE1 8UJ

Dear Member, 

The Clapham Old Xaverians’ 4rd Summer Lunch 
a.k.a. The Chairman's Summer Luncheon 
Friday 12th July 20204 from 12 Noon   
The Union Jack Club, Sandell St, London SE1 8UJ 

I write to invite you to join me once again in June, for our Summer Lunch. (Last year’s was so good the call for repeats is hard to resist.)  You should not miss it, if you can be there. 

I look forward to welcoming you at an event which is always first class. Your committee has succeeded this year in raising the standard of the fare on offer; we hope it meets your approval. The continuing success of our lunch, as always, is a tribute to you and your contemporaries. Please also consider inviting any of your Old Xaverian friends who might be delighted to come along as your guest and who perhaps otherwise would not attend. Also note the important details below the menu. This event has a greatly reduced attendance limit and I urge you to book early. If your attendance is dependant upon your wife/consort/queen/mistress also attending, we will be delighted to accommodate up-to-all four. Don’t take liberties…  
I will deliver a (very) short address and the general blethering will be briefer than in recent years. Indulgence will be indulged and Heads and Tails will be your opportunity to trouser a “monkey” (as is now traditional). 

Lunch will be served at 1:15 p.m. and the luncheon menu. See menu below. If you have any dietary requirements, please let Eddie O’Brien know. Email  

Cold Poached Salmon, Golden Beetroot, Daikon and Horseradish Salad 

Lamb Noisette, Minted lamb Jus, Cumin Scented Carrots, Swede Puree, Warm Dauphinoise Potato Terrine 
Pan seared Sea Bream, Asian style Vegetables, Forbidden Rice 
Chef’s Vegetarian and Vegan Option 

Chocolate Truffle Torte, Berry Compot 

Tea or Coffee

This cost of the event is £55.00. Please pay on-line and return the completed form to Eddie O’Brien. No tickets will be issued for this event. A list of attendees will be regularly updated on the Association’s website.  

Last year sponsorship to cover the cost of real ale was a great success and, although there will be no “imported barrels” in June you are nevertheless invited to “Sponsor a Barrel” in memory of a much-missed friend. If you are able to sponsor a barrel please indicate on the attached form. I will be among the sponsors. This initiative helps the Association to offset that which would otherwise be a loss-making event.  

Any enquiries concerning the function should be made to Eddie O’Brien - mobile 07891 713693. 

Wishing you a health and happiness. See you at the Union Jack Club in June. Limited numbers at the Union Jack Club, please book early; this lunch will be brilliant. 

David Leathem

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If you wish to make payment on-line directly into the COXA bank account you must include your name and meal preference in the transaction details AND advise Eddie O’Brien 020 8644 1803 (H) 07891 713693 (M) (address 12 Montrose Gardens. Sutton, Surrey SM1 3BZ) or email:

Account no: 90232459, sort code 40-01-07



COXA Summer Lunch 2024 PDF

Further reading